Communal LiturgyOn
workdays the fathers gather in church thrice daily: at night for matins
and lauds, which together lasts 2-3 hours, in the morning for the
conventual mass and in the afternoon for vespers. The choral liturgy is
in Latin and always sung, without musical accompaniment. Our Gregorian
chant is part of the patrimony of our Order which we have kept from the
very beginning, melodies favoring interiority and spiritual sobriety.
Brothers participate on weekdays at matins and Holy mass. They are not
obliged to take part in singing, though, of course, in silent prayer
are united with the fathers office. On Sundays and Solemnities the
fathers and brothers gather more frequently for communal liturgy; see
Sundays and Solemnities.
Solitary Liturgy and Personal PrayerCommunal
prayer is carried over into solitary prayer by which we offer to God an
intimate sacrifice of praise, transcending all words. A monk,
therefore, provided he strives continually to cling to God, exemplifies
within himself what is signified by the entire Liturgy, and with this,
his whole life becomes a Liturgy unto itself. The little daily hours
(prime, terce, sext, none and compline) are recited alone in cell. At
the sound of the bell all pray at the same time, so that the whole
monastery becomes a single act of praise to the glory of God.
Office of Our Lady, Office of the Dead and Private Mass Besides
the Divine Office our Fathers have transmitted to us the Office of the
Blessed Virgin Mary. Ordinarily each one of its hours precedes the
corresponding hour of the Divine Office. Once a week we also pray the
office of the dead. The monks who are priests each day before or after
the conventual mass say their own mass as well in private chapels.
Then, the humble offering of their life in the desert is taken up into
that of Christ, for the glory of God the Father. |  Address: Kartuzija Pleterje Drča 1 8310 Šentjernej Slovenija Tel: +386 (0)7 30 81 225 E-mail:

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