Unity with Christ

We Carthusians are called to a life that is completely dedicated to contemplation. Our only task is to develop within that Divine life that we received at baptism, until we reach the “full stature of Christ” when we can say with the apostle: “It is no longer I that lives, but Christ in me”.

Hidden Apostolate

At the same time, we fulfill the role entrusted us by the Church: as main arteries, we should spread forth the Divine life through the entire Mystical Body. “Apart from all, to all we are united, so that it is in the name of all that we stand before the living God” (Rule 34,2). Our apostolate consists in that we give ourselves entirely to God for Himself alone. “How can we doubt for even an instant that a similar expression of pure love can give an extraordinary missionary effectiveness to the Carthusian life?” (bl. John Paul II.)


Our life must also be a witness. “Making him who is, the exclusive center of our lives through our Profession, we testify to a world excessively absorbed in earthly things, that there is no God but him. Our life clearly shows that something of the joys of heaven is present already here below; it prefigures our risen state and anticipates in a manner the final renewal of the world” (Rule 34,3).

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