Two Different Ways“Our
supreme quest and goal is to find God in solitude and silence” (Rule
4,1). Towards this single purpose Carthusians aspire in two different
forms of life: as fathers (cloister monks) or as brothers (lay monks).
For a better understanding between these two, see Father or Brother?.
Solitude of the BrothersThe
brothers live an authentic solitary life, although their solitude is
less bound to the cell. By their work they provide for the material
needs of the house which have been entrusted to them in a special way
(i.e. laundry, wardrobe, kitchen, vegetable garden, various maintenance
work etc.). They thus enable the fathers to devote their time more
freely to the silence of the cell. The brothers devote themselves more
to manual labor than the fathers, though not more than seven hours a
day, and their work is organized so that each one – whenever possible –
works alone in silence. “Interior recollection during work will lead a
brother to contemplation ... The aim of the brother’s life is, above
all else, that, united with Christ, he may abide in his love; hence,
whether in solitude of cell, or in the midst of his work, aided by the
grace of his vocation, he should strive whole-heartedly to have at all
times his mind on God” (Rule 15,10.18). Brothers live in a special part
of the monastery in two-room cells with bathroom. As to the daily
schedule, see Daily schedule.
Food and FastThe food is
abundant and well prepared. Meat – except fish – is never eaten. Once a
week – normally on Friday – those brothers who wish, have “abstinence”,
when they take only bread and water. During Advent and Lent they have
only one meal a day and refrain from dairy products. On days when work
is more strenuous they are permitted breakfast. Due to their more
physical labor, the fast of the brothers is less demanding then that of
the fathers. Novices accustom themselves to the fast gradually, under
the direction of the Novice-Master.
Converses and DonatesThe
first brothers, called “converse” (converted) in the course of time
were joined by others, called “donates” (donated), who, while not
taking vows, out of love of Christ give themselves to the Order in a
mutually binding pledge; since they lead a monastic life, they too are
called “monks”. The life of donates is in essential ways (solitude,
separation from the world) similar to the life of converses, while the
form of their prayer and fast can be more freely adapted to their needs
and abilities. They give the house very useful help, sometimes doing
tasks that would hinder the converse brothers in their observances. |  Address: Kartuzija Pleterje Drča 1 8310 Šentjernej Slovenija Tel: +386 (0)7 30 81 225 E-mail:

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